翡翠网What is the translation of "underneath" or "underneath"?
"Underneath" and "underneath" are both English words that refer to a position or location beneath or below something else. However, they can be translated differently in different languages depending on the context and usage.
How is "underneath" translated in Chinese?
In Chinese, "underneath" can be translated as "下面" (xiàmiàn) or "底下" (dǐxia). These translations are commonly used when referring to a physical position or location that is lower than another object or surface.
How is "underneath" translated in Spanish?
In Spanish, "underneath" can be translated as "debajo de" or "por debajo de". These translations are used to describe something that is situated beneath or below another object or surface.
How is "underneath" translated in French?
In French, "underneath" can be translated as "sous" or "en dessous de". These translations are commonly used to indicate a position that is below or beneath something else.
How is "underneath" translated in German?
In German, "underneath" can be translated as "unter" or "unterhalb". These translations are used to express a position or location that is beneath or below another object or surface.
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