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当前位置:主页 > 餐饮加盟 > territory音标_territory的音标


来源:全球招商加盟网作者:齐光望更新时间:2023-12-01 18:05:06阅读:



What is the phonetic symbol of "territory"?

The phonetic symbol of "territory" is /ˈterəˌtɔːri/.

How is the word "territory" pronounced?

The word "territory" is pronounced as tuh-ri-tawr-ee.

What are the phonetic elements in "territory"?

The phonetic elements in "territory" are /t/, /e/, /r/, /ə/, /t/, /ɔː/, and /ri/.

How can I practice pronouncing "territory" correctly?

To practice pronouncing "territory" correctly, you can break down the word into syllables and focus on each phonetic element. Repeat the word slowly and gradually increase your speed. You can also use online pronunciation tools or listen to audio recordings to further improve your pronunciation.

Are there any similar words in terms of pronunciation to "territory"?

There are a few similar words in terms of pronunciation to "territory," such as "terrier" (/ˈteriər/), "terrace" (/ˈterəs/), and "terror" (/ˈterər/). However, it"s important to note that these words may have different meanings and contexts.

Why is it important to pronounce "territory" correctly?

Pronouncing "territory" correctly is important for effective communication. If the word is mispronounced, it may lead to misunderstandings or confusion. Proper pronunciation allows others to understand you clearly and enhances your overall language skills.

Can you provide an example sentence using "territory"?

Sure! Here"s an example sentence: "The neighboring country claimed the disputed territory as its own."

Are there any tips to remember the correct pronunciation of "territory"?

One helpful tip is to practice regularly and listen to native speakers pronounce the word. You can also break down the word into syllables and emphasize each phonetic element. Additionally, using mnemonic devices or associating the word with a mental image can aid in remembering the correct pronunciation.

What are other common words with a similar pronunciation pattern?

Some other common words with a similar pronunciation pattern to "territory" include "accessory" (/əkˈsɛsəri/), "category" (/ˈkætəɡɔːri/), and "directory" (/dəˈrɛktəri/). These words share the same stress and vowel sounds as "territory."



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