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来源:全球招商加盟网作者:齐光望更新时间:2024-01-15 11:15:04阅读:



How to Pronounce the Word "Strategy" in English

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of the word "strategy" in English? Don"t worry, you"re not alone! In this article, we will guide you through the correct pronunciation of this commonly used word. Let"s get started!

What is the Correct Pronunciation of "Strategy"?

The word "strategy" is pronounced as "STRUH-tuh-jee" in English. It is important to note that the stress is placed on the first syllable, "STRUH", while the following syllables are pronounced quickly and with reduced stress.

How to Break Down the Pronunciation?

Let"s break down the pronunciation of "strategy" to better understand how to pronounce each syllable. Here"s a breakdown:

- The first syllable, "STRUH", is pronounced with a short "uh" sound, similar to the "u" in "cup".

- The second syllable, "tuh", is pronounced with a soft "t" sound followed by a short "uh" sound.

- The final syllable, "jee", is pronounced with a soft "j" sound followed by a long "ee" sound, similar to the "ee" in "see".

Practice Makes Perfect!

Pronunciation can be challenging, but with practice, you can master it. Here are a few tips to help you improve your pronunciation of "strategy":

1. Listen to native speakers: Pay attention to how native English speakers pronounce the word "strategy". You can find pronunciation examples on various language learning platforms or websites.

2. Record yourself: Use your phone or any recording device to record yourself pronouncing the word "strategy". Compare it with native speakers" pronunciation and identify areas that need improvement.

3. Repeat and mimic: Practice saying "strategy" out loud, imitating the pronunciation of native speakers. Focus on getting each syllable and sound right.

4. Listen to pronunciation exercises: Look for online resources that offer pronunciation exercises specifically for the word "strategy". These exercises can help you fine-tune your pronunciation.


Pronouncing "strategy" correctly is essential for effective communication in English. By following the correct syllable breakdown and practicing regularly, you"ll soon be able to pronounce this word confidently. Keep practicing, and remember that consistency is key!



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