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当前位置:主页 > 餐饮加盟 > strategy怎么读音发音英语_strategy怎么读音发音英语怎么说


来源:网络转载更新时间:2024-01-15 18:45:04阅读:



What is the correct pronunciation of the word "strategy" in English?

The correct pronunciation of the word "strategy" in English is stra-tuh-jee. The stress is on the second syllable, "tuh". It is important to note that the "a" in the first syllable is pronounced as a short vowel sound "a" like in "cat" or "hat". The "gy" at the end is pronounced as a soft "j" sound, similar to the "j" in "jam" or "jump".

How can I practice pronouncing "strategy" correctly?

To practice pronouncing "strategy" correctly, you can follow these steps:

  1. Break down the word into syllables: stra-tuh-jee.
  2. Focus on pronouncing each syllable clearly.
  3. Pay attention to the stress on the second syllable, "tuh".
  4. Practice saying the word slowly, and then gradually increase your speed.
  5. Listen to native English speakers pronounce the word to familiarize yourself with the correct pronunciation.
  6. Repeat the word multiple times to improve your pronunciation.

Are there any common pronunciation mistakes to avoid?

Yes, there are some common pronunciation mistakes to avoid when saying "strategy".

  • Avoid pronouncing the first syllable like "stra" with a long "a" sound, like in "straight" or "stray".
  • Do not stress the first syllable, as the stress is on the second syllable, "tuh".
  • Be careful not to pronounce the "gy" at the end as a hard "g" sound, like in "goat" or "guitar". It should be a soft "j" sound.
  • Avoid rushing through the word without clearly pronouncing each syllable.

Can you provide an example sentence using the word "strategy"?

Certainly! Here"s an example sentence: "Our company developed a new marketing strategy to increase sales." In this sentence, "strategy" refers to a plan or approach to achieve a specific goal, in this case, increasing sales.

Why is it important to pronounce "strategy" correctly?

Pronouncing "strategy" correctly is important for effective communication. When speaking English, using correct pronunciation helps convey your ideas clearly and ensures that you are understood by others. Proper pronunciation also helps in building confidence in your language skills and enhances your overall fluency in English.



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